Brain Waves: The Wise Whale


Brain Waves: The Wise Whale

Whoever collects the most cards wins.


In stock

In Brainwaves: The Wise Whale, players lay nine cards showing different colorful sea creatures face down after trying to memorize which creatures are on which cards.

During a player’s turn, they reveal a new card from the deck. Then, they must reveal a card that matches either the creature or the color on this new card. If they do, they claim this card and then lay out a new card face down in its place. Whoever collects the most cards wins.

Box Contains:

  • 49 Sea Creature Cards
  • 1 Feature Die
  • 1 Notepad
  • 1 English Rulebook

Language:    English
Age:              8+
No Players:   1 - 4
Game Time:  15 min