Card Game: El Mamnou3 Marghoub


Card Game: El Mamnou3 Marghoub

The game of unspeakable fun! Make your teammates guess as many words as you can without using the forbidden words before time runs out.

$25.6 $32

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El Mamnou3 Marghoub is the game of unspeakable fun! Who can get their teammates to say "Cha7ra2" without being able to say Cigara, Arguile, Majje, or ma fiye? When playing the game, the obvious clues are strictly forbidden. Players race against the timer as they try to give creative and carefully worded clues to get team players to guess words fast. But don't mention unmentionables, or it's time for the squeaker, which means losing the point. 

  1. The game was made with fun Lebanese words. 
  2. Get your game nights more fun and hilarious.
  3. Get teammates to say the Guess word without saying the forbidden words
  4. Oops! Say a forbidden word and lose one point
  5. Includes 270 cards; over 1000 Guess words
  6. Players race against the time in this fun and fast-paced party game. 
  7. Cardboard box size: 13.2cm x 8cm x 6.7cm