Chores Chart: Qui Fait Quoi Bl Beit?


Chores Chart: Qui Fait Quoi Bl Beit?

Because Team effort makes the hardest of tasks sound easier


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Without a plan for keeping your house clean, it can seem like the to-do list is endless: the spice rack is impossible to navigate, the towels constantly need to be washed, there’s a weird stain in the cupboard by the stove. And everyone’s already busy this weekend. Nip this problem in the bud by creating a household chores list as soon as you move into your new home.

Whether you live alone, with a partner, or with roommates, the process for creating a chore list is pretty consistent: You compile a comprehensive list of all the tidying and cleaning tasks that need to be completed for your home to feel clean.

Having a cleaning service come monthly reduces your chore-load—leaving more time for doing the things you love. 

52 pages - 52 weeks

Size A5 14.85cm x 21cm