Card Game: Chou Bet2oul


Card Game: Chou Bet2oul

A game for those who speak the slang

$40 $50

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The first player is the one with a distinct accent. 

On you turn: 

  • Step 1: Draw a card from the category deck of your choice ( food, objects, occasions and feelings)
  • Step 2: Throw the dice, in order to find the way the question should be answered.
  • Step 3: Set your phone timer to 1 minute.
  • Step 4: Start answering clockwise
  • Step 5: When the time stops on a certain player they lose the round and get a Lza2ha stickers.

  • By being the first player with fewer stickers stickled. 

NB: If you stumbled upon KABSSE cards, be the first to accomplish the challenge in order to get rid of the stickers. 

  • Age: 14+
  • Players: 4+
  • Order: Clockwise
  • Time: 1hour