Card Game: L3aba Siyese


Card Game: L3aba Siyese

What a fantastic way to open up conversations with friends and strangers


In stock


Three Categories, three languages, one game. 

Designed to ignite and encourage difficult conversations related to politics in Lebanon.

Remember, this conversation won't be easy. Not everyone will have the same views or level of understanding as you, and that's okay. 

First Category: Laaba Siyesse 

In this category, we will be asking you different questions to ignite and encourage conversations about politics. 

What should you do?

Open the conversation with your entourage on the defined topics, and discuss, and debate them all in an effort to break the taboo. 

Seconde Category: Aa Sous W No E Ta

In this category, we will be introducing one of Lebanon s realities.

What should you do? 

Discuss them and what comes out of these realities, be it pros or cons.

Third Category: Siyasiyoun

In this category, we give you the power. 

What should you do? 

Propose ideas and suggestions on the subject at hand. Argue back and forth with the rest of the players to push the ideas further. 

  • 2+ players
  • 13+ Age
  • 53 Cards